Blog de Anna

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Slip of the ol' tongue

I just uttered this phrase to my 80-year old boss...

"My internet is going down on me."

What I meant to say was that my internet connection was failing. Luckily, she didn't catch on to my slip up. Wonder what old Freud would have to say about this one.

Just Say NO

So when your roommate asks you at 10:15 P.M. to follow him to the airport for "twenty minutes" my advice to you is to just say no. Or at least be smart enough to turn off your TV, tuck yourself under your covers with full make-up on (you can wash this off later when he's away) and turn out the lights. At least then he'll feel too guilty to wake you and he'll have to go on his adventure alone.

But, if you're a sweetheart like myself, you'll probably agree to follow him and so my next piece of advice is to have your cellphone on you at all times because he will, no doubt, drive 95 mph and leave you - the granny driver - in the dust. Besides, 80 mph is fast enough especially when you're certain that your dog just shat herself while seated in the passenger seat.

So when you get to the airport and your roommate flips a B and ends up getting back on Sepulveda, you might feel relieved. You might think Ah, they took the shuttle and we can go home to bed. You're wrong. Their luggage is just "delayed" and you're really on your way to the Taco Bell parking lot with shady characters hanging by the dumpster. Lucky for you, you'll be wearing your (p)leather jacket that screams TOUGH CHICK DON'T F WITH THIS when your roommate leaves you in said parking lot to get some grub. This will take about fifteen minutes and then you'll be on your way again...or so you think. Really you're just headed for the Nude Girls and XXX Shop. Of course your first thought will be He doesn't really expect me to wait in the car with his dog while he gets a lap dance, but fear not, he just wants you to freeze your nips off while he has you take his picture with the dog for his next blog entry.

So when you're back on the road again, you're going to lose him in all the hustle n' bustle that is LAX and you'll be VERY sorry that your cell phone took a nose dive under the passenger seat and you haven't taught the dog to successfully retrieve things. You'll end up pulling over at Terminal 4, finding your phone and calling your roommate who is waiting outside Terminal 7. You'll then pick him up and drive home at a quarter past midnight, thinking to yourself that you won't fall asleep till 1 A.M. and you have to wash your hair in the morning. You'll think to yourself Why am I such a nice person? That or If he had an F-ing girlfriend SHE could have done this with him instead. This is when you sign him up for so that in the end you'll get a good nights rest.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Almost dying while buying roach-killing products...

So I almost died today during my lunch break. No really.

Toni and I went to OSH to get some roach-killing aids and we're rounding PCH and just make it into PV Blvd when out of nowhere I see a cloud of dust, flashing lights and a huge SUV barrelling through the intersection. Like in a western, but not. The idiot missed side-swiping us by about five seconds. So we watch him lose complete control of the car and then we couldn't see anything. So, being the concerned (nosey) citizens that we are, we decide to drive, park & walk to get a closer look.

The moron flipped his car over completely at PV Blvd and Ave F. Looking at the car, you'd think he would've died instantly. But no. The maniac ran from his car only to be chased down half a block away. And thankfully he didn't hit a single person.

So we get to work and tell everyone the tale and the first question out of EVERYONE'S mouth is, "Did you see what color he was?" We even got a "I bet he was Mexican." HELLO??!?!! What like that runs in their blood? And to make it worse, Toni, the lady that ran the errand with me is 100% Mexican. Nice work, people.

Monday, December 18, 2006

My roommate wants me to be a fatty.

Yesterday afternoon I walked out of my room and found him making pancakes. From scratch. Apparently those didn't turn out so well. When I found him baking a cake (yes, baking a cake) ten minutes later I asked, "What happened to your pancakes?" He then reached into the trash can, pulled one out and said, "Feel this." So I grabbed him and he said, "I meant the pancake." Talk about awkward. So he left for the grocery store (to buy some frosting for his cake) and a few minutes later I found the dog eating his rubber-like pancake, which I thought was sweet that she didn't want it to go to waste. She'd actually reached in and grabbed it out of the trash. The little lover.

So thirty minutes later, he returns with his frosting and apparently decided that cooling a cake before frosting it is overrated. So now I have this tantilizing warm and gooey cake - my favorite type of cake, mind you (yellow wiith choc frosting) just sitting on the counter while I'm down the hall trying to write a paper. Of course the only thing on my mind is cake, cake, cake and so I have some. And when I returned home from study group at 1:30 am and found the roach to end all roaches atop Grady's door jar I thought to myself Well, cake really doesn't sound all that appetizing anymore. So I went to turn the lights off in the living room & kitchen and thought well, maybe just a few bites...

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Because finding/killing spiders, leeches and regular ol' roaches in one week isn't enough, the insect fairy left this on my doormat this morning:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

It is a "true death's head cockroach." It has this crazy marking on its head. See it? It was the size of my nose - a SKELLY NOSE (which, you should know means it's large). Or the size of both of my big toes put together. Luckily it was dead. Hah! But I'm still creeped out because it was on our doormat which reads "LEAVE." I'm taking this as a sign from the Roach God - they're telling me to leave or else. For all I know...this dead thing was the Roach God.

On a side note, roaches can live up to a week without their heads. They eventually die because they've been without water too long. Neat-o.


So because I don't want people thinking I live in a disgusting swamp of a bedroom, I've been very careful about whom I share my leech story with. My roommate swears he doesn't see the bugs that are taking over the condo in rapid succession (I think we all knowt this is a lie). Half of the people I shared the leech story with assured me that it was a slug. But I'm telling you - this was no slug. I've done extensive research in the last 48 hours. First, slugs have these cute little bug antennae. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Secondly, they don't raise their asses in the air and wave to and fro. Leeches, however, do do this and it's referred to as the "alert posture." The little bastard was searching for food:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Apparently leeches Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting burrow themselves into the soil for months at a time. Then they latch onto my doggy when she pees and end up inside. I'm haunted. Every black string, every black piece of lint that I've come across in the past two days, I assume is another leech. So, if I have you over for tea and crumpets anytime soon, I feel it necessary to provide you with the following. I call it

Removing Leeches in a Safe Manner:
"If you are bitten by a leech and are compelled to remove it before it has had its full (leeches drop off on their own when they are done feeding), you can do so by following these steps:
1. Identify the anterior (oral) sucker which will be found at the small end of the leech.
2. Put your finger on your skin adjacent to the oral sucker
3. Gently but firmly slide your finger toward the wound where the leech is feeding. Using your fingernail, push the sucker sideways away from your skin.
4. Once you have dislodged the oral sucker, quickly detach the posterior (rear) sucker (the fat end of the leech). Try flicking the leech or proding with your fingernail. As you work to remove the leech, it will attempt to reattach itself.
5. Keep the wound clean -- minor cuts in tropical climates can quickly become infected. The leech itself is not poisonous. The wound will itch as it heals.
***NOTE: Is it generally not advised to attempt removing a leech by burning with a cigarette; applying mosquito repellent, shampoo, or salt; or pulling at the leech. This can result the leech regurgitating into the wound and causing infection much worse than the leech bite itself. In the case that a leech invades an orifice like your nose, ear, or mouth you have a slightly more serious problem since the leach will expand as it fills with blood. If you have access to strong (drinkable) alcohol or hydrogen peroxide you can try gargling (if the leech is in your mouth). Worst case scenario you may have to puncture the leech with a sharp object."
On a sexy note, "Leech socks can be helpful in preventing bites when the full body will not be at risk of contact with leeches. Leech socks are pulled over the wearer’s trousers to prevent leeches reaching the exposed skin of the legs and attaching there or climbing towards the torso. The socks are generally a light color that also makes it easier to spot leeches climbing up from the feet and looking for skin to attach to."

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


So to start things off, I need some Blogger H-E-L-P. First, how do I "tag" someone's blog on my faves list? I thought I found it with the "Flag Blog" option, but then it said something about my thinking that that blog has questionable content. Whoops. do I title each entry? Am I reall this lame? Help me, please.

So I still have the cheese here at the office. Yum. I'm hoping it cures my headache from last nights happy-hour-turned-all-nighter. The drinks were fab, the company was even better. Bella, the dog was NOT pleased. She just wanted to go to bed.

On a disgusting note, can someone give me a physical description of a leach? leech? Not sure on that one...I think I've found two in our condo and I'm scared the dog either has them or is carrying them in from her potty exploits outdoors. One was on my bedspread last night. AGHHH!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Give me the cheese

So...I must say that I'm having a much better day than my 85 lb friend, Nicole Ritchie, who apparently was driving the wrong way in the carpool lane while on vicodin and pot. Is that still illegal?? Haters...

I'm having puppy withdrawls and feeling motherly guilt for leaving her home alone while I'm at work. I'm probably taking it harder than she is although her incessant crying/barking would have you believe otherwise.

So I just have to share one of my pet peeves. I just hate it when I grab a snack and someone says, "And how many points is that?" I said, "I don't really care how many points it is, it sounds good." It's not like I took the ENTIRE thing of cheese, I cut off 3 measly slices. And so what if it was my second helping. Is my point intake really going to ruin their day if I go over? And the worst part is, is that she's a good friend/co-worker of mine and she is usually good at wording things so that they should be taken offensively. I just don't get why others need to chime in. Back up off, Toni. Back up off.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Pissing on party snacks

Wow. So I haven't blogged on this thing since November 17th. In that span of time I've gone down an additional 4.4 lbs. Yea! I think I've been better about portion sizes AND the amount of water I've been taking in. A co-worker told me about her daughter crediting her 20 lb weight loss to buttloads of H20. So there you have it. Forget the exercising and the tracking, just hydrate :)

And I really hate when there's a WW sub because they are just so weird. The woman yesterday tried to turn us off to snacking at parties by telling us that kids touch everything and studies have shown that those foods are laced with urine. Ummm thank you. I understand excessive snacking, but she basically turned me off to any and all snacking at parties. And then she made us get into groups, which I hate too. I'm really there to listen and take it all in, not to have social hour!

Then again maybe I'm just pissy because my precious puppy shat all over the carpet AGAIN, 30 mins after I'd just walked her. So ungrateful.