Blog de Anna

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Because finding/killing spiders, leeches and regular ol' roaches in one week isn't enough, the insect fairy left this on my doormat this morning:

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It is a "true death's head cockroach." It has this crazy marking on its head. See it? It was the size of my nose - a SKELLY NOSE (which, you should know means it's large). Or the size of both of my big toes put together. Luckily it was dead. Hah! But I'm still creeped out because it was on our doormat which reads "LEAVE." I'm taking this as a sign from the Roach God - they're telling me to leave or else. For all I know...this dead thing was the Roach God.

On a side note, roaches can live up to a week without their heads. They eventually die because they've been without water too long. Neat-o.


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